A competition based on chance, in which tickets bearing numbers are sold and prizes given to the holders of those numbers drawn at random; especially one run as a way of raising money for the state or a charity. Also used figuratively and in allusive use: as a synonym for gamble, risk, or fate.
The lottery has long been a popular source of public funds, with many states using it as a key component of their budgets. Despite the anti-tax ethos of much of our society, lotteries have consistently won broad public approval and survived the many financial crises that have plagued state governments over recent decades. The success of a lottery depends on its ability to convince voters that the proceeds will benefit some specific public good. For example, lotteries typically argue that the revenue they generate will help finance education. This appeal is especially strong in times of economic stress, when state government budgets are under pressure and a public good must be sacrificed in order to avoid tax increases or program cuts.
However, studies show that a lottery’s popularity does not depend on a state’s objective fiscal condition, as it has consistently won broad public support even when the state is not facing major budgetary difficulties. Lottery supporters also point out that the lottery provides a “painless” source of revenue that avoids political controversy and is generally seen as an attractive alternative to higher taxes or deep cuts in public spending.
In addition to the general desirability of a lottery, there are a number of specific features that contribute to its success and sustainability. In particular, a lottery must be well-regulated to protect against fraud and abuse; it must have a clear set of rules that govern its operation, including how and when prizes are allocated; it must be run in a manner that ensures the integrity of the results; and it must be designed to appeal to potential bettors.
The OED lists seven meanings for lottery, two of which are labelled obsolete. The remaining meanings include:
As the lottery’s popularity has grown, it has evolved to become a multibillion dollar industry, with most states running multiple games. A state lottery may offer a variety of different prizes, from small cash amounts to a free ticket to a future drawing. The odds of winning a prize vary widely, depending on the size of the prize pool and the frequency with which drawings are held.
The earliest examples of a lottery appear in civil law, where a court could award compensation to someone who lost money at dice or similar gambling games. A more common use of the term is in reference to a random allocation process, whether in the form of a prize draw or an election. For something to be considered a lottery, the process must involve payment of a price and allocation of prizes based solely on chance. In practice, the term is often applied to random selection processes for a range of different activities, from student admissions to subsidized housing units and kindergarten placements at reputable public schools.